The Psychology Roots of Illegal and Crime in the Administrative Practice of Law Enforcement by Police and Guarding Mechanism 警察行政执法中违法犯罪的心理之源及其防范
In the field of criminal procedure law, the basis about the burden and the standard of proof roots from the function of presumption of the crime constitution. 刑事诉讼中证明责任分配与证明标准选择的依据,实际上源于实体法中犯罪构成体系的推定机能。
In 2006, China put forward the criminal policy of new era, which was "tempering justice with mercy" in prosecutorial practice according to the changing situations of public order, the status of crimes and the objective analysis on the roots of crime. 为科学应对社会治安形势的变化,我国提出了新时期的刑事政策&宽严相济。
Among them, the needs and to meet it are the roots of crime motive. The generation of criminal motive, a criminal consciousness, as well as the formation of action of culpability mind are all connected with the satisfaction of the needs. 其中,人的需要及其满足是产生犯罪动机的根源,犯罪动机的生成,乃至犯罪意识和罪过心理的形成都与追求需要的满足有关。